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Accumulation du cadmium par Mytilus edulis en présence de bactéries marines sensibles ou résistantes à ce metal ArchiMer
Flatau, Gilles N.; Gauthier, Michel J.
The cadmium accumulation by the soft parts of the mussels increased in the presence of the sensitive strain, and was lower in the presence of the resistant strain, when only ionic metal was given to the mussels. The metal brought by previously contamined and killed bacteria was more accumulated by the different organs than when it was provided in the ionic form, and was more accumulated by viscera and gills when it was bound to the resistant bacteria.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cadmium; Accumulation; Moule; Bactéries marines; Résistance.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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COLNACOQ. Composés lipophiles naturels dans l’environnement des coquillages. Rapport final ArchiMer
Hess, Philipp; Geiger, Marie; Brochard, Solène; Lepretre, Thomas; Fessard, Valerie; Antignac, Jean-philippe; Dupont, Jacques; Sechet, Veronique; Vanel, Faustine; Mondeguer, Florence; Herve, Fabienne; Leborgne, Sabrina; Deslanglois, Gwenaëlle; Marshall, Lindsey; Rounds, Lucy; Guitton, Yann; Amzil, Zouher; Grovel, Olivier; Ruiz, Nicolas; Pouchus, Francois.
Cette étude s’est inscrite dans un contexte d’évaluation de la salubrité des mollusques bivalves destinés à la consommation humaine. Ces organismes peuvent en effet accumuler des toxines, en particulier de microalgues, en concentrations importantes, pouvant induire des intoxications chez les personnes les consommant. Afin d’assurer la protection des consommateurs, les toxines réglementées sont recherchées dans les coquillages par techniques physico-chimiques. En parallèle, les toxines émergentes, potentiellement produites par d’autres organismes que les micro-algues telles que les micromycètes, peuvent être detectées par l’utilisation du test de toxicité aigüe sur souris. Cependant, ce bio-essai présente de très nombreux inconvénients, notamment éthiques...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cytotoxicité; Toxicité sur larves de diptères; Activité antibactérienne; Bactéries marines; Toxines lipophiles; Micro-algues; Dinoflagellés; Micromycètes; Penicillium; Acide okadaïque; Azaspiracide; Pinnatoxine G; Vulcanodinium rugosum; Prorocentrum lima; Azadinium spinosum; Beauveria brongniartii.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Compréhension des mécanismes d'adhésion des biofilms en milieu marin en vue de la conception de nouveaux moyens de prévention ArchiMer
Rubio, Celine.
Biofilm formation on surfaces immersed in sea water induces equipment damages. Recently, studies focused on the environmental impact of antifouling paints have shown that some active chemical compounds are harmful to the aquatic environment. Hence, it appears fundamental to study physico-chemical interactions existing between marine bacteria and various substrata to conceive new ecological products or antifouling processes. First, we model an artificial primary organic film, formed by the adsorption of BSA and polysaccharide, as close as the one formed in natural seawater. This organic film is heterogeneous (only 42% of the surface is covered) and organic adsorption occurs in a multi-layer scheme, molecules bounded each others by calcium and magnesium...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea water; Marine bacteria; Physico chemical characterisation; MATS; XPS; IRAS; Adsorption; Bacterial adhesion; Biofim; Eau de mer; Bactéries marines; Caractérisation physicochimique; MATS; XPS; IRRAS; Adsorption; Adhésion bactérienne; Biofilm.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Enzymes de dépolymérisation d'exopolysaccharides bactériens marins ArchiMer
Lelchat, Florian.
Exopolysaccharides (EPSs) are a class of biopolymer synthesized by Eukarya, Archea and Procarya.Bacterial EPSs are involved in biofilm establishment and biofouling phenomenon. These polymers have physicochemical and biological properties suitable with biotechnological valorization. At the opposite, their involvment in biofouling of pathogenic strains can be problematic.Enzymatic depolymerization process are necessary for EPSs structural elucidation, Bioactive oligosaccharides production or to disrupt polysaccharidic biofilms. The highlight of enzymatic phenomenon can help to understand biogeochimical process in the ocean. Nevertheless the important structural diversity as well as their complexity make the sourcing of specific enzymes difficult.Two...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bactéries marines; Bactériophages marins; Phages marins; Exopolysaccharide; Marine bacteria; Marine bacteriophages; Marine phages; Polysaccharidase; Cazyme.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Interactions des bactéries marines responsables de la formation des biosalissures avec des matériaux biospécifiques ArchiMer
Hamadouche, Nora.
The immersion of a material in a marine environment automatically results in forming a biological veil which develops into biofouling. Biofouling is responsible for many problems that occur on immerged structures. Marine bacteria are strongly involved in biofouling and specific studies are aiming at limiting their adhesion to the surface of immerged materials. The Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Macromolécules (Macromolecule Research Laboratory) has demonstrated that modulating or inhibiting human commensal bacteria with biospecific statistical copolymers is possible. The goal of our research has been to identify statistical copolymers capable of inhibiting marine bacteria adhesions and therefore reduce marine biofilm formation. In order to do so, two...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biofouling; Specific Interaction; Statistical Copolymers; Marine Bacteria; Biofouling; Interaction spécifique; Copolymères statistiques; Bactéries marines.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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